Language Services:
These are general descriptions of language deficits that can be addressed in therapy. Please contact us for more information.

Language is the integration of form, content and use, as well as Effort-Cognitive Development and Engagement-Social/Emotional Development (The Intentionality Model-Bloom and Tinker).
Form (Syntax):
The grammatical structure of what is produced.
Content (Semantics):
The meaning of what is expressed.
Use (Pragmatic Language):
Typically involving a child’s eye contact, turn taking skills and ability to relate as well as interact with others.
Receptive Language:
Understanding of Language
Expressive Language:
what a child says or how he/she expresses oneself.
Pragmatic Language:
Typically involving a child’s eye contact, turn taking skills and ability to relate and interact with others, and includes but not limited to the following skills:
Turn taking in conversation
Topic maintenance during conversation
Sharing with peers
Attending, looking and listening to task and/or speaker
Social and/or functional language skills
Maintaining eye contact during a conversational exchange
Please refer to links for age norms of acquisition of typical receptive and expressive language skills and further information.